Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Mystical Experiences of Ordinary People



Emily’s faith in God helped her survive childhood abuse without holding onto anger, bitterness or blame. At eighteen she had a near-death-experience, which opened the door to subsequent spiritual events. Although she considered herself ordinary, her mystical experiences made her feel different. She kept those experiences to herself out of fear that people would think her strange. Eventually, Emily realized the many meaningful ways those experiences impacted her life. By sharing them with others in her first book, she gave them the courage to tell her their mystical experiences. Those included vivid descriptions of near-death and out-of-body experiences, past-life memories, anecdotes about receiving signs and answers from the spiritual realm, and stories of the intertwined destinies of lovers and parents and children. Please join us Thursday to be inspired and uplifted. You may even recall a mystical interlude of your own and find the courage to acknowledge it.