Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Angels in the OR: What Dying Teaches Us About Healing, Survival and Transformation



My guest was a depressed, agnostic student at The University of Texas in Austin until a head-on car accident and a near-death experience (NDE) during surgery changed her life. While learning to walk again, Tricia let go of painful wounds from childhood and integrated what she had gained from her spiritual experience on the other side into her daily life. She returned to college with a passion to become an English teacher. After a year of teaching, Tricia traveled to South Korea, where she experienced another trauma. This time it was a sexual assault. She could have gotten lost in being a victim. Instead, she chose to use the wisdom she gained on the other side during her NDE to heal herself and others. Tricia turned her traumas into blessings by bringing the “light” she experienced during her NDE to others who are seeking comfort, inspiration, and overall well-being. Please join us to discover the spiritual wisdom she gained that helped her overcome trauma and find peace.