Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Essential Oils for Beginners



Did you know that essential oils can be used effectively for cleaning products, massage oils, aromatics, aphrodisiacs, magical formulas, and healing everything from high blood pressure and headaches to cuts and bruises? I always carry a little bottle of lavender oil with me because it attracts good luck, relieves stress, and has antiviral and antibiotic qualities. If I get a cut while I’m away from my home, I can always put some lavender oil on it to clean it and protect myself from infection. Products from nature have always been used for beauty, happiness, spirituality, healing, and more. It’s only relatively recently in our history that we have chosen to focus on pharmaceutical products. Everything has its purpose. We need to educate ourselves so that we can make our own decisions as to when to choose natural products and when to use pharmaceuticals. Please join us Thursday to learn how to use essential oils for vibrant health and wellness.