Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Empaths Essential Role in Humanity's Evolution



Being an empath is very different from being empathetic. An empath is at risk emotionally if they do not fully know how to protect themselves from the negative energy of others and the general environment. Once they understand who they are and how to manage their gifts, they can truly be of service to others and help create a world of peace, love and compassion. My guest will share with us the five characteristics of an empath, how they can protect themselves, and fully manifest their gifts to create a better world. Two of the five qualities that empaths possess are: the ability to merge with the energy of other beings, including people, animals, and anything with life force; and big, open hearts with a desire to serve others. The number of empaths is growing because they are greatly needed right now. Please join us Thursday to learn more about empaths and their essential role in the next step of humanity’s evolution and ascension into the frequency of heart-centered consciousness.