Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Oracle Cards for Guidance, Hope, Happiness and Well-Being



In a world highly focused on the logical mind, it is often hard to hear the still small voice within. Using oracle cards is one way to develop our intuition and pay attention to our limitless higher self. Life can be very confusing with different voices in our heads or in our lives telling us what to do. It can cause us to doubt our intuition or what we feel is right. The oracle cards tap into unseen energies that give us perspective our logical mind is not capable of accessing, thereby providing the information we need. My guest, Margaret Ann Lembo has created a unique deck of oracle cards that pairs 44 gemstones with matching animal allies to give us guidance and messages of hope, happiness, and well-being. Each of the cards has a question for contemplation, a positive affirmation, and Divine Guidance. Please join us Thursday to learn how oracle cards can reveal self-knowledge and provide clarity on life’s challenges.