Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Your Dreams Can Save and Heal Your Life



Dreams have been used since Ancient Egypt and Greece to diagnose illness and help people solve personal problems. Although our scientific community disregarded this valuable tool for a long time, medical doctors and researchers are now studying dreams as a way to detect and heal illness. Most of the research is being done with breast cancer, but there is some evidence of dreams helping with other diseases as well. In some instances, the dreams were even more accurate than the medical tests. Dr. Burk will share his own research and that of others documenting the effectiveness of dreams as a diagnostic and healing tool. Kathleen will share her personal experiences with dreams warning her of her breast cancer. You will learn how you can develop the ability to remember your dreams and interpret them to receive guidance regarding disease as well as personal problems or concerns in your life. Please join us Thursday to learn how dreams can help you access your inner wisdom.