Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos



Life is full of potential stressors, from strained relationships and communication with family members, to those that appear unexpectedly in our lives like an angry boss or a traffic jam that causes us to be late, to those happening in the world like natural disasters, mass shootings and political doings. We can’t control other people, our surroundings or world events. What we can do is learn to stay calm amidst all the chaos. When my guest had brain tumor symptoms caused by stress, Julie discovered, “what you think changes your brain. And it doesn’t stop until you’re dead.” Research shows that self-compassion enhances emotional well-being. It boosts happiness, reduces anxiety and depression, and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise. Combining self-compassion and mindfulness helps to create a life with more ease and joy. Please join us Thursday when Julie will share tangible ways we can add the positive effects of mindfulness and self-compassion to our lives.