Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing Mind and Heart: Relieve PTSD, Depression, Anxiety



Trauma is part of our daily lives with heavy doses on the nightly news, and whether we realize it or not, we have all experienced trauma in our own lives. Protecting ourselves and healing from trauma has become a necessity for all of us. In addition, our communities are only as safe and secure as the health of our first responders. Like veterans, first responders are constantly exposed to trauma which leads to high rates of suicide, PTSD, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, spousal abuse and other stress related problems. My guest says that after seven years as a police officer: “I remember being at my step-daughter’s eighth birthday party. As I sat alone watching others, I suddenly realized that I felt nothing. I did not feel connected to anyone; I did not feel any happiness--just indifference and an eerie emptiness inside.” He chose to create ways for first responders, and all of us, to develop a bulletproof spirit. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal your mind and heart.