Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Heaven on Earth: Love, Joy, Harmony and Happiness



Is heaven on earth possible? My guest says it is and will tell you how to achieve it. The 5th dimension, 5D, is what most religions call heaven. Different dimensions are not just science fiction. They really do exist. Currently earth is in the 3rd dimension, which has a low vibrational frequency where fear dominates our lives, relationships and choices. As we move to higher vibrational fields, we can access the 5th dimension, where love, compassion and empathy are the driving forces in our attitudes, interactions and way of being in the world. Jealousy, karma and fear are replaced with harmony, love, bliss and happiness. Maureen will share eye-opening stories of true 5D experiences and help us understand how to develop a connection with our higher self and consciously choose to have our own 5D experiences with love as the dominating force. Please join us Thursday to learn about the abilities available to us in 5D and how we can move into that energy of joy, love and kindness.