Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Spreading Loving-Kindness for a More Loving Life and World



Every problem has a solution, including the chaos and fears we are facing in these challenging times. We cannot change what our leaders do or what a mentally ill person will do. We can, however, be in charge of what we do and say, and that is what will change the world. Lasting social change happens at the level of the individual. We can transform our lives, the lives of others, and ultimately the world through kind words. Robyn writes “… The power of a generous thought and loving-kindness is transformative.… I’ve seen it change lives, build better relationships and make a person smile from the inside out. I’ve watched how parents and children have formed lasting bonds, and friends and family have reunited. By loving out loud and ‘saying’ it forward, we can rest assured we are doing our best to be a blessing to family, friends, and those around us.” Please join us Thursday to learn easy ways you can create a kinder, more loving life and world.