Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Nepalese Shamanic Practices for Physical and Spiritual Healing



We are in a time when the wisdom of the East is becoming recognized, valued, and integrated into our modern day Western culture. We have scientifically proven the value of meditation to the point where doctors are recommending it and it Is even being taught in some of our schools. Now we are learning about the ancient healing techniques from the East including Shamanic practices. The spiritual traditions of Nepal are taking their rightful place among other revered traditions that we have been integrating into our knowledge base. My guest knows the techniques for physical and spiritual healing, shamanic journeying, rituals for removing toxic energies from an individual, exercises to help you meet the ancestors in your shamanic lineage, techniques to use your voice as a shamanic tool, and how to negotiate the spirit world safely. Please join us Thursday to learn more about these practices and how they are relevant in our modern world.