Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Untold Story of Sita: An Empowering Tale for Our Time



Our world is out of balance with hatred, violence, and an unprecedented ecological crisis. Sometimes we have to look to the past before we can create a better future. The story of Sita helps us do that. She is well loved throughout Southeast Asia, and all of us can benefit from understanding her life as an expression of the power of feminine wisdom and leadership. In Mata Sitas and Sri Rams relationship, they each took on roles that were different and of equal importance. They were independent and interdependent. Their lives exemplify a balance of the masculine and feminine qualities and energies. To survive as a human community, we need to recover this balance and their appreciation, respect, and love for the natural world. Remembering the harmony that existed during their time will help us recalibrate our society so that it honors the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine. Please join us Thursday to see how this will help us restore balance to our society and to the earth.