Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Accessing the Akashic Records



The Akashic Records are energetic imprints similar to a movie library, a living vibrational field that stores all possible futures, the present, and the past. As soon as your soul begins its life experience, a field of energy is released that records every thought, word, action, desire, and emotion. You can connect with your personal Record Keepers, gain clear access to the Akashic Records, discover information about you and your loved ones, and learn your souls purpose. The Ascended Masters have given us access to the Akashic Records for the growth of our souls. By seeing your records and working with your Record Keepers, you will learn your souls purpose, help solve the problems in your daily life and relationships, expand your spirituality and begin operating at a higher level of consciousness. In addition, working in the Akashic Records will assist in Earths ascension. Please join us Thursday to learn about opening the Akashic Records.