Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Techniques to Awaken Higher Consciousness



There is a false belief that only a chosen few have super sensory perception, such as seeing into the future or knowing information with our intuition, through visions, clairvoyance or communication with the spiritual realm. Yes, some people are born with these gifts. It is also true that the rest of us can develop super sensible perception and expand our awareness to the point of connecting with cosmic consciousness. Dr. Joye knows how to do this through methods such as: prayer, mantras, meditation, inner guidance, transforming knowledge gained from books into spiritual advancement or imaginative, active, or intuitive thinking. She will share this information with us as well as her own extraordinary experiences with supersensory networks of consciousness. Her work is all the more believable because she started out as an electrical engineer and understands the scientific basis of extraordinary perception. Please join us Thursday to learn how to access the higher worlds.