Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Power of Self-Care with the Gentle Touch of Jin Shin



Deepak Chopra says of my guest: “Once in a while you come across a person who demonstrates the potential to be extraordinary, and that is Alexis Brink. I have known Alexis for 30 years and have always been impressed with her desire to break new boundaries and think beyond the ordinary paradigm.” She is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Jin Shin, which is based on the ancient Japanese healing art of energy medicine now practiced throughout the world and gaining respect in the United States. Although related to acupressure, acupuncture, and massage therapy, the Art of Jin Shin is not a physical manipulation of tissue and uses only minimal pressure. It uses a gentle touch with the fingers and hands to redirect or unblock the flow of energy that has gotten stuck in the body. This simple, gentle process allows energy to flow smoothly in the correct direction. With balance restored, a sense of well-being and calm emerges. Please join us Thursday to discover the power of self-care.