Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Discovering the Authentic You



“We’ve been sold the idea that certain material success will bring happiness, but in fact, many people end up feeling drained, unfulfilled, and even depressed,” says Lucinda White. She changed her life by reconnecting with her inner wild self, the part that is deeply connected to nature. Lucinda’s journey led her from the life of a successful Silicon Valley socialite to a series of wild adventures, including tracking wolves, coming face to face with a lion, and ultimately collecting animal bones, shaping them into art and adorning her home with them. Her story shows us all how we can discover our own wild nature and by doing so heal and blossom into the fullness of who we are meant to be. Her unconventional journey is an inspiration to women and men who seek to discover what is hidden deep within ourselves that desperately wants to be expressed. Please join us Thursday to learn how to become your authentic self and redefine what it means to be fully alive.