Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Practical and Spiritual Aspects of Creativity: Inner Critic and More



Too many people limit or completely deny their creativity. It’s easier to say we’re not creative than to risk someone else telling us we’re not creative or worse, that our painting is ugly or that we’re clumsy on the dance floor. These judgments are hurtful. When we hear enough of them, we close down and choose to ignore that part of ourselves. The truth is, however, that we are all creative. It’s literally part of our brain. The left side of the brain is logical, sequential, conscious and rational. The right side is creative, intuitive, unconscious and spiritual. Because creativity is taught as a logical, conscious process rather than intuitive and unconscious, we are limiting our creativity by using our left brain to teach what the right brain knows. As we learn to tap into the creative side of our brain, we can discover our unique creative abilities and talents. There is no right way to be creative. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can all access our dormant creativity.