Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

An Extraordinary Program for Personal and Planetary Evolution



Ancient wisdom says the highest spiritual value is the freedom to be one’s True Self. That’s easier said than done in a world that is constantly judging people on the superficial criteria of appearance, job title, and financial standing. These false measures plus the fears about the state of the world and the unrest and divisiveness in the United States of America leaves people in chaos and confusion. Paul Selig’s Guides show humanity the answer is in finding the full expression of the Divine Self within. The path is through surrender and acquiescence to the true nature of one’s being. Deepak Chopra says Paul’s new channeled book is: “Authentic, straightforward truth straight from the source field.” The Book of Freedom has been praised around the world for its depth, intimacy and psychological insight. In these challenging times, humanity needs to know that the world is evolving in a positive direction. Please join us Thursday to hear the wisdom Paul’s Guides have to share.