Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Shift Your Negative Thoughts and Break Free from Yo-Yo Dieting



About 91% of women diet because they are unhappy with their bodies and about 70% of women over twenty are obese or overweight, according to the Center for Disease Control. Obviously, diets are not working. My guest, Carly writes: “If we are brave and vulnerable enough to look more deeply at what truly needs to be healed, we will have success eliminating our negative behaviors at their root. It is our minds that drive the eating bus. In fact, our thoughts drive every emotion we feel, and how we feel will dictate how we act.” “As we begin to uncover our negative thoughts and shift them, we realize that boundaries around food create body freedom, not food prison. We start eating in a way that makes us feel free on a much deeper level than ‘free to eat whatever we want.’…We start to find deeper meaning and joy...This foundational mental shift is the only thing that can truly set us free.” Please join us Thursday to become free of yo-yo dieting and filled with a love of life.