Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Harness the Heart's Ability to Heal Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma



Our heart beat determines life, and the stronger our heart is, the healthier we are. This is true for our physical body and our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. When we get hurt or traumatized, our learned response is to close off a part of our heart and to put up barriers to shield ourselves from further harm. In doing so, we cut ourselves off from the best parts of ourselves, the parts that allow us to be our authentic self and come into wholeness. We can learn healthy responses and techniques that allow us to reconnect with our heart to heal anxiety, depression, and trauma and to find renewed meaning and purpose. As we allow ourselves to feel and release old wounds, we open ourselves up to more joy and love. In doing so, we remove the underlying causes of disease, become healthier, stronger, happier, and freer to be our true selves. Along the way, our heart comes into balance and harmony with our mind. Please join us Thursday to discover how to reconnect with your heart.