Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Soul Dog: A Journey into the Spiritual Life of Animals



People who have had near-death-experiences often describe seeing their dogs waiting for them on the other side. It isn’t a far stretch to imagine after-death-communication with our beloved pets. More and more we are seeing Facebook videos and television documentaries of animals doing things we previously thought to be solely the domain of humans. Those of the same species or different species rescue each other, adopt and raise orphans, hug each other, protect each other and seek out each other’s company for play, comfort, love, and sleep. Researchers, psychics and pet owners are drawing the same conclusions. With all that we now know about animals, it isn’t hard to believe they have souls, meet us in the afterlife, and reincarnate, sometimes to be with us again. Soulmates are not just about people. Animals can be our soulmates, too. Join us Thursday to learn how we are all connected and to see animals as thinking, feeling, spiritual beings who communicate with us even after death.