Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Living as a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience



We often hear spiritual ideas that are hard to grasp, like: we’re spiritual beings having a human experience on earth; we came into this lifetime with a specific purpose; we are co-creators; our true self is hidden beneath societal demands; and we can choose our own destiny. These are all abstract concepts that are difficult to understand and more difficult to put into practice in our busy stress-filled lives. My guest has experienced the metaphysical, studied the common truths of the world’s religions, and created a life full of intention and optimism. Stefania Magidson generously shares her discovery of the essential keys to fashioning a powerful destiny filled with love, compassion and happiness. She sees a richer existence for humanity where intuition is respected as one of our six senses. Making the abstract accessible, my guest inspires both the spiritual expert and novice. Please join us Thursday to learn how to live with more authenticity, ease and joy.