Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Needed Courtroom Reform for Sexually Abused Children



Currently, over 58,000 children a year are forced to live with their sexual abuser, their father. In the 1990’s, Judy Woodruff at CNN reported the epidemic of children being court ordered to live with their sexual abusers. The Family Court system is broken and this unconscionable practice continues to this day. Mothers are in a no-win situation. If they stay with the abuser, they are blamed for not protecting their children. If they leave, they are blamed for overreacting or trying to alienate the child from the father. As punishment they can lose custody of their child or be given limited visiting privileges or only supervised visitations. Research shows that at least 60% of men who batter their wives are also abusing their children sexually, physically and/or emotionally. The professionals who advise the courts on custody have little or no formal training on domestic violence and child abuse. Join us Thursday to learn what we must do to protect our children.