Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Finding Prosperity Through The Ancient Wisdom of Yoga



According to Ancient Vedic texts, the four goals of human life are: dharma (realizing one’s higher purpose and fulfilling one’s destiny), artha (prosperity), kama (pleasure for the soul’s sake), and moksha (freedom that comes with enlightenment). With this in mind, it’s easy to see the importance of the spiritual value of prosperity. Money provides the resources which give the individual the freedom to accomplish the other three goals. O’Brian’s words are compelling: “From the dark ages to the technological advances of today, we are ready for the greatest evolutionary jump the world has ever known — the awakening of our hearts and our minds to the unity of all life. Awakening, prospering, and fulfilling our potential is inextricably tied to the well-being of all. What we do matters. We are powerful agents, not only of personal prosperity, but of essential social change and planetary healing, so that all may prosper.” Join us Thursday to learn about prosperity in a spiritual context.