Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Soul Readings and The First Supercontinent of Advanced Beings



We are all souls who have taken on a physical form during this incarnation on Planet Earth. The soul is infinite and therefore has immense talents, abilities, and knowledge accumulated from many thousands of lifetimes, in many dimensions and in many forms of life all over the cosmos. When born onto this planet, we forget why we are here and often feel a deep void or that there must be more to life. Some people feel lost and some want to know more and empower themselves on all levels by living their highest soul purpose. Behavioral patterns are often created over many lifetimes which have not always served our higher soul growth and good. My guest, Judith Kusel, will share how her Soul Readings help people create more loving patterns, thereby bringing greater love and insight into their lives and relationships. Join us Thursday to explore the power of Judith’s Soul Readings and her discoveries of the first Supercontinent and the origin of humans on earth.