Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Smart Ass: Smart Life Lessons From A Beloved Donkey



Join our guest, Margaret Winslow, as she shares her heart-warming story about Caleb -- the feisty donkey she purchased to soothe her midlife crisis. Their relationship has all of the life lessons -- fits and starts, tears and training traumas, hold-on-to-your-saddle hilarity followed by spirit-enriching insights. After a rocky start, Winslow realizes that she acts the way Caleb does when scared -- by feinting and dodging to cover her fears. Having this epiphany, Winslow realizes the gifts and wisdom to be learned from her beloved donkey and how this has enriched her life. Wilnslow will share with us how she gained a gradual understanding of Caleb’s true, undeniable gifts -- a willingness to “speak truth to power,” to trust, and to forgive -- and how to incorporate these lessons into her own life. Join us Thursday as we hear more about how Caleb's animal wisdom can translate into life lessons and about being true to your own pure and powerful selves. www.margaretwinslow.com