Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Navigating Tough Family Dynamics With Our Ancestor's Help



The holidays are supposed to be a time of good cheer, happiness and celebration. Most of us had a false belief that everyone else was having a great time and we were the only ones who were miserable. That myth blew up last year when arguments and cruel words were spoken across the dinner table. Some family members are still not speaking to each other and others learned that their grandparents were not the kind, gentle people they thought they were. The truth is, every family has its challenges: the crazy aunt, the alcoholic uncle, the controlling father, the manipulative mother, the sharp-tongued cousin and so on. People suffer through whatever it is because they feel they have to. Well, what if you could actually change the family dynamics or at least find a way to not get caught up in the pain and finally enjoy your holidays? Please join us Thursday to learn how you can work with your healthy ancestors to heal your family line.