Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Loving to the End and Beyond



There truly is no death, and love never, ever dies. There are countless stories of love, in- and out-of- body, which can challenge or validate views on life-after-death, depending on one’s point of view or experience. Dr. Lynn Robinson gently guides us through the sadness of departure toward opportunity and greater love. Together we will learn how to recognize and seize your chances to love audaciously now and let what is to come play itself out. We will explore the power of, and the hunger for, continuing love with those who “die,” and leave their physical bodies. Gain practical advice for moving through a loved ones final days and for making end-of-life illnesses less stressful and more filled with love. Join us Thursday as we discover how to love through the end of life and beyond, with a heart of compassion and hope.