Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing Anxiety and Depression with the Creative Process



With instant gratification, busy schedules, and high-speed internet, some of us have forgotten how to sit with discomfort, how to be patient, how to allow ourselves to feel in order to heal. Others of us never learned how to deal with painful emotions and still others were abused and not allowed to express themselves. We’ve been told that we can pop a pill and make the problem go away. All we’re really doing is masking the problem. It does go out of sight, but it doesn’t disappear. It goes underground where it continues to hurt us. By the time it surfaces, so much time has elapsed since the causal incident that we don’t connect the cause and effect. Although pills can and do save lives, they aren’t a permanent solution. They can help us get through a rough patch while we learn how to heal. The creative process helps us move into the unknown, into the unconscious, where the source of depression and anxiety hide. Please join us Thursday to learn how the creative process can heal us.