Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Preventing and Healing Headaches and Migraines



Pain, disease, and conditions of the body are treatable, and even curable, in ways that we haven’t understood until recently. The dominant belief that headaches and migraines are not curable has led to unnecessary suffering and addictions. There is a way out of this when we choose to take charge of our own health. I have learned this for myself, and I no longer get migraines or serious headaches. If I feel the beginning of a headache, I can get rid of it in minutes. Many researchers point to data that headaches change the brain and you need the medications. What they don’t tell us is that the brain is also capable of healing itself and changing back to a condition of health. The path to healing involves taking a close look at the way we live, including our diet, relationships, and how we deal with our current and past emotions, stresses, and traumas. Please join us Thursday to learn how to take back your life and defeat migraines and headaches.