Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Welcoming Angels and Fairies into Our Lives



Have you ever been distracted and suddenly jolted into awareness? Your reflexes kick in and you slam on the brakes or grab your child just in time to prevent a serious accident? When things like this happen, we calm down, are grateful, and move on with our day. Rarely do we think about what or who pulled our attention to the impending danger. In 2011, CBS News reported 80% of Americans believe in angels. Across religions and spiritual belief systems there are discussions of angels, celestial beings, and messengers from God. There are many references in the bible, with both Jews and Christians believing in angels, but this belief is much broader. Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus also believe in celestial beings, and the Native American Thunderbird is angel-like, helps humans and delivers messages from Great Spirit. The similarities in the way they look and their purpose is too much to chalk up to coincidence. Please join us Thursday to learn about angels and fairies and how they can help you.