Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Knowing Your True Essence is Love



What if we truly knew that our essence is love and light and that everything else is false limiting beliefs which block our inner knowing, healing and peace? This awareness would transform our consciousness, which would transform our lives and the world. We would see each other through the eyes of love, compassion and empathy. We would see our similarities instead of emphasizing our differences. The point of change is the individual. You have the power to learn to see yourself as pure love. When you commit to this path, you embark on a process of slowly waking up to the truth of your soul and the truth of your existence here on earth. You learn to hear and act upon the still small voice within. It’s the whisper of your soul, the messages that are all too easy to ignore because they require trust and the willingness to connect with the authentic you. Please join us Thursday for inspiration, practical tools, encouragement, and radical, liberating shifts in perception.