Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Being an Agent of Lasting Change: Personal, Societal, and Global



What we intend and what we do matters more than we know. Each of us can help transform the world by simply setting an intention to make compassionate life-affirming choices for the well-being of all and then acting on that intention by always making the best choice available to us in the moment. This is the simple conclusion to 16 years of research. We do not need to be wealthy, have an important job title or influential friends. All we need to do is act consistently for the well-being of all. When 10% of the population chooses to do this, the world will change. In our current times, many of us are feeling frustrated and helpless. It’s as if we’re all living with PTSD and in a constant state of flight, fight or freeze. Knowing that we can influence the greater good eases our minds and hearts and gives us peace and hope. You can even invite your friends to join you in setting an intention for the well-being of all. Please join us Thursday to hear Stephan’s life-changing message.