Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

More Love, More Intimacy and Less Conflict for Couples



The fast pace of life in an ever-changing world is challenging enough for any couple. Add to that the distractions of technology, addictions to smart phones and increasing violence in the form of natural disasters, chaos-causing tweets from the president of the United States, and the trauma of watching screaming babies being torn from their parents, and the result is more conflict between couples. The divorce rate is already around 50% and growing with couples being torn apart by differing opinions regarding President Trump and his policies. There couldn’t be a better time for Jonathan Robinson’s new book, More Love, Less Conflict, to provide much needed help for couples with stress-filled relationships.The solution is to bring care, understanding and empathy into the relationship as replacements for denigration, denial, dismissal and distraction. Please join us Thursday to learn practical and powerful exercises to strengthen and deepen communication, connection and love.