Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Recipe: A Culinary Story of Hope, Wisdom and Redemption



Life is full of opportunities to learn that often go unnoticed. The right circumstances, however, can open minds and hearts to all that life has to offer. Such was the case with the young Owen in this beautifully crafted novel and upcoming movie, The Recipe. Tragic loss and the inability to deal with grief led him to destroy property, which ultimately gave him the silver lining of a mentor, who helped Owen learn how to create kitchen delights and a meaningful life. “Always be hungry, Owen,” the Chef said softly.“Don’t ever let life just wash over you. Savor it—every smell, every taste, every sound. That’s Rule One, Owen: Taste everything.” The reader shares in these life lessons while learning the cooking techniques of a master chef and recipes that delight the palate. In a world with so much violence, fear and negativity, it’s uplifting to find inspiration and hope. The greatest gifts can come out of the greatest tragedies. Join us Thursday for a story of hope, wisdom and redemption.