Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Using Adversity to Strengthen Relationships



Adversity can destroy a person and a marriage or make them stronger. Most couples don’t have the knowledge and skills it takes to find the silver linings, to rise above blame, shame, anger and frustration, and to see opportunities for learning, growth, and self-empowerment. Charlie and Linda Bloom didn’t either, initially, that is. Fortunately, the Blooms chose to learn how to use the challenges in life and in a long term marriage to grow stronger as individuals and as a couple. In a time when our world is being bombarded by verbal, physical and natural violence, many marriages are unable to manage the stress. Some need to end, but others can be saved and even strengthened with the right information and commitment to positive change. The Blooms are guides and coaches showing the way to strengthen and renew any relationship that has fallen on hard times. Please join us Thursday and learn the strategies that will strengthen each individual and the relationship.