Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Listen to Your Body to Heal Physically, Mentally and Emotionally



Most of us are so focused on how we look that we forget to pay attention to how we feel. If we do notice a feeling in our body, it’s usually because it’s gotten so loud that we can’t ignore it. We tell ourselves things like: everyone has aches and pains; it’s all downhill after 40; I’ll just take more painkillers. In fact, our body knows a lot and as we learn to listen to it, we can work with it to heal our thoughts, emotions and physical disease, pain and conditions. Clarissa Pinkola Estes wisely said: “The body remembers, the bones remember, the joints remember, even the little finger remembers. Memory is lodged in pictures and feelings in the cells themselves.” These are memories that we didn’t know how to process and release. When we tap into these memories, we can let go of the problem they caused and heal our mind, body and emotions. Please join us Thursday to learn how to listen to your body, reduce anxiety and stress, heal yourself, and improve your quality of life.