Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Sick to Death! Doctors and Prescription Drugs Don't Always Help



Although this show is specifically about thyroid disease, it unmasks much broader problems for all of us seeking help for physical problems. We put our faith in the medical doctors who have spent a lot of time and money being trained to treat and cure our diseases and medical conditions. And the doctors in turn trust their training and the drugs that are supposed to help their patients. Too often people are misdiagnosed and drugs are prescribed that do not deliver on their promise. Maggie Hadleigh-West shows us the depth of this problem as she reveals her 30 year search for relief from an array of symptoms that pointed to thyroid disease. When she finally found the right doctor, he knew the cause of her symptoms just by looking at her, which he then confirmed with the appropriate tests. Please join us Thursday for Maggie’s story of systemic medical corruption, pharmaceutical greed and physician negligence, leaving more than 750 million people suffering world-wide with thyroid disease.