Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Essential Oils for Personal Transformation



Pills and medical procedures are only some of the tools necessary for true healing. Our emotions, thoughts, lifestyle and energy field must also be addressed for optimal health, personal transformation and to become all that we can be. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to raise our vibrations and purify our energy body. My guest, Candice Covington, combines her expertise with essential oils, chakras, animal and deity archetypes, sacred geometry symbols, sacred syllables, colors, and tattvas which are the five elements of earth, air, fire and space that create and sustain the universe and us. With this knowledge, she shows you how to transform unhealthy life patterns, identify your own vibrational signature, purify your energy body and develop an individualized ritual practice with essential oils. Please join us Thursday to discover how to use essential oils to become all your soul intended you to be.