Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Real Life Solutions for Over-Scheduled Women



The women's movement of the 1960's initiated a new wave of change for women. In many ways it was liberating, which was the intent. The downside was the belief and expectation that we could do everything all at once. We added career to an already too busy agenda of being a wife, mother, housekeeper, volunteer, and care-giver for extended family members and pets. Any time we may have been able to squeeze in for ourselves was now gone. The word no seemed impossible to pronounce. I remember noticing a pattern of getting sick at the end of any week with 3 nights of meetings after full days at work while raising a young family. Someone told me I wasn't taking time for myself and I naively said that my volunteer work was for me. I didn't even know what it meant to take time for myself and to discover what I enjoyed doing just for me. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can change habits, transform thinking, and reconnect with your unique, personal sense of play and pleasure.