Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Ending Emotional Eating



Where was Julie Simon when I was struggling with using food for comfort? The wisdom of the time, just made me feel worse. I was ashamed of my desire to eat when I was sad, frustrated, lonely, stressed or had other feelings that I didn't know how to manage. I was lucky to find my way to healthy eating and self-nurturing. Now, brain research, mindfulness and a fuller understanding of child development and human nature are kinder to emotional eaters and actually provide a road map of how to heal. If we don't receive consistent emotional nurturing in early childhood, we can develop difficulty controlling our impulses and look for comfort outside of ourselves in food or other substances. The good news is that we can actually learn how to manage our emotions, thoughts and behaviors, nurture ourselves, attract other nurturing people into our lives and nurture others better. Please join us Thursday to discover how to stop using food for comfort and to start loving yourself.