Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Creativity From the Inside Out



True creativity comes from the still small voice within, the deepest part of your authentic self, your soul. As you release the fear and come from a place of love, creativity is revealed, unblocked and allowed. It flows forth with ease and expresses your individual uniqueness. It is not taught. In fact, the belief that there is a right and wrong way to be creative, leads to judgment and fear, which crushes creativity. Consequently, creativity is a deep wound for most of us despite the truth that we are all creative. As we let go of the fears, we discover life-changing truths about ourselves, including self-acceptance, validation and gratitude. Facing the blank page in your creativity helps you face the blank page in your life with courage, strength and ease. The creative process is also a problem-solving resource that will help you grow personally and professionally. Please join us Thursday to learn how to give up trying to control the process and to become curious and free.