Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Rediscovering the Art of Connection in the Age of Technology



Technology and outmoded ideas of leadership have driven a wedge between people. It's faster to text than to have a real conversation with someone, and it's easier to give a directive than to ask people for their ideas. Faster and easier is not better. Somewhere along the way, people forgot about the importance of building relationships and connecting deeply with each other. Connection is not just good for business, it's good for humanity. When people care about each other, they bring a stronger level of commitment to their work. It fuels initiative, passion and compassion. Michael Gelb has identified seven relationship-building skills that include: cultivating humility as the source of strength and confidence, spreading positive energy to bring out the best in everyone, and eliminating destructive patterns like judging, blaming and complaining. Please join us Thursday to learn how to connect, communicate and develop meaningful relationships at work and at home.