Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

2018 - The 11/2 Awakening



Truth is the keynote for 2018, which is an 11/2 year. This 11/2 vibration is an enormous universal energy that will have a profound impact on each individual and on our planet. The saying: the truth will set you free, has never been more accurate. We must let ourselves see and know the truth in every aspect of our lives and act on it. It's essential that we examine everything, from which foods, clothes and music we really like to whether we’re in the right city, job and relationship. The false self must drop away and make room for our true self to emerge. We will question old beliefs, see things differently, and even discern which politicians are telling the truth and what our own beliefs are about religion, healing and spirituality. 11/2 is a very powerful vibration and a gateway to our limitless higher self. The time is right for us to be true to ourselves and walk our authentic path. Please join us Thursday for our annual discussion on what the numbers tell us about the year 2018.