Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Predictions for 2018



Happy New Year! I wish you joy, peace, happiness, good health, prosperity, love and dreams come true. Regardless of what is happening in the world, you are in charge of how you think about it. Peace on earth begins with peace in your own heart and mind. We are all being called upon now to release the fears in our mind and turn them into hope, compassion and empathy. As a recent show guest said, anxiety is fear about the future. If we concentrate on the present moment, we can breathe in peace and find the silver linings. Our circumstances are not the cause of our happiness. How we think about them is what determines our happiness. We can always find gratitude and happiness by looking at how we are growing and gaining new wisdom or knowledge. When we focus on what's wrong, that's all we see. When we focus on the growth and learning, we see and feel all the good in our lives. Please join us Thursday for Psychic Dawon Washington's annual predictions, which is always a listener favorite.