Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

A Path to Authenticity and Awakening



Families, schools, peers and societal beliefs mold children into becoming who they think they need to be in order to receive love and acceptance. By taking on this false self, they disconnect from their natural self with all of its innate gifts and authentic ways of being in the world. The adult winds up succeeding at living someone else's life, or put another way, they fail at living their own life. No matter how much success they garner, they never feel satisfied or fulfilled because they just keep feeding the false self. This leads to ongoing problems that show up as depression, anxiety, stress, anger, unhappiness and disease. Most people never realize the origin of their difficulties and try to deal with their physical, emotional and psychological symptoms as individual problems rather than as a systemic one. When the underlying cause is diagnosed correctly, the system can be healed. Please join us Thursday to learn how to shed the false self and become who you truly are.