Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Breathe Your Way to Peace and Freedom



Vipassana Meditation focuses on the breath to help you achieve freedom. Jason Gregory writes: Vipassana is a flawless method for digging into the unconscious material within our mind to give us a glimpse of our true nature. The only problem with this method of fasting the mind is what to do with it when we come out of seclusion and return to the world. American mythologist Joseph Campbell called this “bringing back the boon,” referring to anybody who chooses to break away from fear to embark on the “hero’s living in the world. You are to bring this treasure of understanding back and integrate it in a rational life. Please join us Thursday to learn more.journey” and then return to the world to share what they have learned. Campbell explains: The whole idea is that you’ve got to bring out again that which you went to recover, the unrealized, unutilized potential in yourself. The whole point of this journey is the reintroduction of this potential into the world; that is to say, to you