Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Supposedly Enlightened Person's Guide to Raising a Dog



Growing up in a home without animals was normal in my original family. We diverged from that pattern when I was allowed to have turtles and gold fish, which I remember cherishing, despite the fact that the goldfish didn't last long. It was a major event when my mother finally agreed to have a parakeet. We all adored Tippy. When he got out of the house, the loss was too much for my mother. That was my last pet until I married, and rescue cats became part of my life. I only fell in love with dogs when my adult children adopted them. As I observed how gentle, patient and loving they were with their little human siblings, I gradually fell in love with them. I even learned how to avoid getting run over when they would enthusiastically greet me at the door. One of the saddest visits was watching one of them say his good-byes to the extended family at the end of his terminal illness. Please join us Thursday when my guests will share how to build a loving, trusting relationship with your dog.