Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

How to Heal Yourself and Align With Your Soul Path



Do you feel stuck? Do you find yourself in repetitive situations? Does it seem like you should be doing something bigger with your life but you can’t seem to figure out how to get there? When we find ourselves in the same types of situations or relationships that we can’t break free from, it's time to release old imprints and energy. It’s time to raise our vibrational frequencies, align with our soul paths, and attract everything that is good, true and positive for us. Shamans and healers have known how to do this for centuries. Releasing negative energy and bringing in positive energy may sound strange but our bodies do it automatically every time we exhale and inhale. Anysia Kiel will help us learn how to consciously clear negative energy and heal ourselves in a peaceful way. As we discover our inner healer, we discover our own power, embrace love, live our life purpose and align with our soul. Please join us Thursday for this exciting program.