Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Glamour Magic Helps You Get What You Want with Deborah Castellano



There are so many have to's and should's in our lives that most of us don't pay attention to what we want. Some of us don't even ask ourselves: What do I really want in life? Am I fulfilling my heart's desire? Do I like my job, my significant other, my friends? Do I pop out of bed looking forward to my day or do I need a cup of coffee to get myself motivated? Many of us are stuck in some version of Groundhog Day, mindlessly repeating a version of the previous day, with no excitement or positive energy to fuel us. Do you remember your childhood dreams, the visions of your life before someone destroyed your hopes? It's time to pull out those dreams, decide that you're worth it, and discover the tools to make it all happen. Please join us Thursday to learn how to use what makes you exciting and interesting in order to discover what you want and to succeed in getting it.